My Energizer Bunny

The most fascinating part of my 11 month old daughter is her bounds of energy. Obviously, her ability to pick up new skills is pretty incredible, but her energy level in simply unbelievable.   I suppose, at one point in my life, I had this endless amount of energy as well, but I can't recall... Continue Reading →


These days, I'm nostalgic. My sweet baby girl is now 10 months old, and every day is a new adventure for her.  In the last week she has learned how to turn on and off the tv with the remote, climb in and out of her rocking chair, work the recliner, pet the dog in... Continue Reading →

What If…

Lately, I have been thinking about what life would be like it I never had you.  I look at you, and it's like you have always been with me.  It's almost as if these last 6 months have been the last 36 years of my life, and I've known you forever.  I'm sure my life... Continue Reading →

A letter to Emma

Baby Girl,  It's a dark, and violent world we are living in.  I don't know at what point in life you will read these blogs, but I can only imagine things are going to get worse before they ever get better.  I hope this is not the case, but it seems to be the way... Continue Reading →

A Mothers Rant

You know what makes moms go crazy?  No time to themselves!  Being a full-time mom is such a blessing, and I am so grateful I no longer have to schlep from airport to airport and store to store, but dang it, I need some time alone!  I guess I didn't really consider the fact that... Continue Reading →

Super Boobs

We are women.  We are a mammal.  We are created to nurse our young.  It's encoded deep inside our DNA to produce life-giving substance for our babies.  It's, what I think, is a women's most fascinating feature.  I did not always feel this way.  Up until I got pregnant last year, I knew very little... Continue Reading →

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